Industry news

Introducing the Oblò, a brand new handle concept by F.lli Razeto & Casareto

23 September 2023

A handle born from the insight of a hallmark Italian company. This is how Oblò was born, the new handle that F.lli Razeto & Casareto, a historic Genoese company celebrating 103 years since its foundation, presented at the 63rd Genoa International Boat Show. A handle born out from a collaboration between Gangi Razeto, head of the Innovation and Design Department of the family company (his brother Andrea is vice-president of the Italian Marine Industry Association) and Bernardo Zuccon of the Zuccon International Project studio, who designed Oblò, inspired by his fascination for an element that truly captures the idea of seafaring.

“I became fascinated by the image of the porthole,” explained Bernardo Zuccon, “something that has always characterised the history of ships. The porthole is the archetype that defines the relationship between man and the sea, the escape route that allows you to see, dream and fantasise: starting from this concept, my aim was to adapt the typical shape of the porthole by translating it into the image of a handle.”

“Collaborating with Bernardo and Martina Zuccon was a source of pride and satisfaction for us,” commented Giangi Razeto, Head of Research and Development at F.lli Razeto e Casareto, “because they were able to capture the essence of our company by drawing on our origins, given that in the past we had supplied portholes to the most stunning Atlantic liners, such as the Raffaello, giving an elegant, timeless look to an object that expresses the utmost in technology when it comes to handles.” The Oblò, and this is why its design was so complex, is made of an aluminium alloy treated with ESI’s Antimicrobial System, which emits Ag+ silver and other ions exerting an antimicrobial action. The Oblò handle is also luminous and integrated into the OSSH system connected to the boat’s domotic system and therefore able to “transmit” information related to the services and management of life on board, guiding passengers with its light.