Genoa Boat Show


27 September 2022




The presentation of a network of events sponsored by the Italian Marine Industry Association was held today in the Press Centre of the 62nd Genoa International Boat Show, aimed at emphasising the importance of territorial events and the economic and social impact they generate on the marine economy.

The Working Group tasked with implementing synergic projects across the country with the patronage of the Italian Marine Industry Association operates under board members Gaetano Fortunato, Giulio Grimaldi and Simone Morelli alongside Vice President of the Italian Marine Industry Association Piero Formenti, who explained: “The potential of added value and synergy that can exist between initiatives that are both nationwide and dedicated to the development of the industry is rapidly becoming a reality. Since the first 4 patronages were established, we have now reached 8 realities in as many regions, with a new entry in Lazio and one just over the horizon in Calabria. Establishing a network between events means being close to a much more local reality, both from a technical and services standpoint, starting with communication but, above all, to provide a new level of coordination and representation for operators across the Italian industry”.

The presentation saw the participation of representatives of local initiatives that have continued to grow over time: Agostino Gallozzi, President of Marina D’Arechi, – Salerno Boat Show, Andrea Ciulla, President of Assonautica Palermo – Seacily, Sicily Boat Show, Marco Diana CEO of Marina di Verbella – Yachting Rendez-vous on Lake Maggiore, Luciano De Fermo, President of the Mare Lazio Consortium – Boat Days Santa Marinella, Bruno Santori, Director of Marina di Pescara – Sottocosta, Angelo Colombo, General Manager of the Fiera Nautica in Sardinia – Marina di Olbia, Giuseppe Meo, President of SNIM – the Puglia Boat Show

During the event Le reti d’impresa della nautica (“Yachting networks”), dedicated to mapping the companies taking part in and benefiting from network contracts. Speakers included Davide Ippolito, Director of Reputation Review and co-creator of the Reputation Rating algorithm, Cristiano Lombardo, representative of the Mediterranean Nautical Network, and Giuseppe Danese, President of the Apulia Region Nautical District and Deputy Vice-President of Confindustria Brindisi.

According to Focus 2022 – Le reti d’impresa nella nautica (Focus 2022 – Yachting industry networks), edited by RetImpresa Confindustria, the number of companies in the sector that form networks has increased by 15% in 2022 (+103 companies and +60 network contracts) and looking at the last three years, there has been an increase of 60% and a +21% rise in 2021 (compared to +13% in 2020). However, the real novelty of the third edition of the Report is a section dedicated to the reputational analysis of networked companies operating in the yachting supply chain, carried out with the company and patent Reputation rating.

Networking gives all companies the chance to put themselves in the spotlight, and this is especially true for the yachting industry, which with its 9 sectors, from yachts to accessories to marinas, includes exceptional, first-class services, capable of communicating with everyone at a global level,” explains Alessandro Gianneschi, Vice President of the Italian Marine Industry Association and RetImpresa Councillor, “Internationalisation and services are among the most important aspects of these partnerships, and we will continue to invest in these topics”.

Today also saw a tremendous celebration for the 100th anniversary of F.lli Razeto & Casareto. ‘When I was asked to produce this book, I thought it would be nice to reconstruct the history of this company from its origins to the present day, giving due value to those who founded it over a century ago. Today, I am the eldest member of this company, acting as President of F.lli Razeto & Casareto, yet it seems like only yesterday that my parents took me with them to the factory when I was still a child and…’. These are the first lines of the introduction written by Andrea Razeto in “On Board With You Since 1920” the F.lli Razeto & Casareto monograph presented at the 62nd Genoa International Boat Show.

A book that also contains the story of our family, or rather of our families, who have always been a part of this company,” emphasised Andrea Razeto, Vice President of the Italian Marine Industry Association and, alongside his brother Giangiacomo Razeto, known to everyone as Giangi, designer and head of design & innovation, at the helm of this historic Genoa-based company specialising in locks and handles. An extensive history of designs that are to this day the result of innovative work that combines expert craftsmanship and cutting-edge technology and research. The monograph has been edited thanks to the archival work of Sabrina Burlando “I wanted to start from the present and go back in time. I wanted to show the legacy of values, the values of human capital in this company that I discovered by entering what was the old foundry and imagining how it must have been to work there many years ago“. There was a lot to discover, including a nugget of history uncovered by the Razeto brothers, described in the monograph, from an unknown patent for a handle dating back to the 1920s. As Giangi Razeto put it: ‘All our creativity is embedded in the DNA of the company’.

A brimming programme inspired by the concepts of sustainability and the maritime economy animated the Forum and Innovation Halls in the Blue Pavilion, starting with the seminar ‘The green side of speed: foiling & future’, organised by ATENA Lombardia in cooperation with MYD-Politecnico di Milano.

A focus on the industry and its sustainable objectives also characterised the event organised by Deloitte ‘‘The boating industry and sustainability’. “The boating industry is an extremely important sector for the country, particularly for Liguria,” stated Carlo Laganà, a Deloitte partner, “knowing how to combine the sector’s development with sustainable objectives is now essential for all industry operators. The challenge must be taken up by institutions and entrepreneurs, important employment spin-offs are also possible thanks to research and development opportunities that are waiting to be exploited. The boating industry must become a driving force.”

The conference ” The blue economy and development: a meeting point for institutions, business and finance “, organised by Banca CARIGE, the Genoa International Boat Show’s partner for 62 years, marked the end of today’s key events. Matteo Bigarelli, General Manager of Banca CARIGE had this to say: “Banca CARIGE is present again this year, not only as a sponsor of the event, but also to organise conferences such as today’s talk, where we will discuss the marine economy. Too little is said about the marine economy across the country. We, on the other hand, understand just how important it is, also in the light of the numbers presented by the yachting industry over the past few days. We are also here to talk about sustainability, the Blue Economy, which is not about just work, design and the Made in Italy brand, it is also about caring for the environment and the sea. We will continue to be partners over the coming years as a larger group, BPER, a group that is attentive to the territory and as such will support the excellence that is the Made in Italy brand”.

Today also saw the President of the Region of Tuscany, Eugenio Giani, meet with the upper management of the Italian Marine Industry Association, taking the opportunity to visit the event. Genoa, 23rd September 2022