Industry news

Sanlorenzo invests in Yachting Innovation

16 July 2024

An impressive total of 91.5 million euros will be implemented in an ambitious industrial investment programme. This represents the object of an agreement signed by Sanlorenzo and its subsidiary Bluegame with the Italian Ministry of Business and Made in Italy Production, Italy’s national business development and investment agency Invitalia and the Regional Council of Tuscany to initiate a series of interventions aimed at the Group’s four main productions sites located in Tuscany and Liguria

The agreement envisages interventions focused on achieving the highest standards of both sustainability and technological innovation, with a focus on green fuels and materials applied to product development and the digitalisation of services and related processes, all with the key objective of increasing production capacity. The agreement signed also includes an employment target of more than 200 new direct workers, to be achieved by 2026.

This agreement represents yet another important step towards our vision of the sustainable development of the luxury yachting sector and of the ecosystem in which we operate as a whole, an ecosystem we continue to enhance,” stated Cavalier Massimo Perotti, president and CEO of Sanlorenzo and former President of the Italian Marine Industry Association. “We are thrilled to be able to count on the support and cooperation of these institutions and uphold Sanlorenzo in its role as ambassador of excellence and competitiveness when it comes to exporting the Made in Italy brand worldwide.”

The investment projects will also involve the reconversion of disused industrial areas and a review of factory spaces in line with the latest best practices for production systems.