The following document describes the privacy policy applied to personal data processed by I Saloni Nautici S.r.l. (for the sake of brevity, hereinafter referred to as I Saloni Nautici) and Confindustria Nautica – The Italian Marine Industry Association (for the sake of brevity, hereinafter referred to as C.N.), defining in which way the processing of users’ personal data is managed when it comes to accessing the official website for the largest show on the Mediterranean, the Genoa International Boat Show or Salone Nautico | Il più grande salone del Mediterraneo.
The current website is the property of I Saloni Nautici S.r.l., is managed through the company Meloria S.r.l., and is hosting at
Throughout the present document the following information will be provided:
In order to avoid the potential for misunderstandings, please find a list definitions below aimed at clarifying the meaning of a set of terms used throughout this document:
B) Identity and contact details for: the Joint Data Controllers and DPO
In accordance with the current laws regarding personal data protection (i.e. UE Regulation 2016/679 – General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as “GDPR” and, where applicable, Legislative Decree 196/03), we would like to inform you that the companies I Saloni and C.N., both located at Via S. Nazaro n.11, 16145 Genoa – Italy are Joint Data Controllers (in accordance with art. 26 GDPR) of your personal data (hereinafter referred to jointly as Joint Controllers) and can be contacted at the following contact details: Tel +39 010 5769811; preferred e-mail address:
DPO and Contact Point in relation to the requirements of art. 26 GDPR is Mrs Laura Marretta, who may be contacted at the Joint Controllers’ telephone number and at the following email address:
The Joint Data Controllers, as required by art. 12 GDPR, adopt the following policy in order to provide those concerned with the information referring to art. 13 GDPR and all notifications with regards to articles 15 to 22 GDPR concerning the processing of any personal data provided. The policy describes how we collect, use and process your personal data, and how, in doing so, we provide services and fulfil our legal obligations to you. Your privacy is important to us and we are committed to protecting and safeguarding your rights with regards to the protection of your personal data under the basic principles of legality, good practice and transparency.
All Policies herein contained do not apply to other websites made available via our own links, for which the Joint Controllers are in no way responsible.
C). Our data processing policy during website navigation
The Joint Data Controllers would like to inform you that the Personal data you have provided via interaction with said Controllers through the use of this website or by filling out our forms, data that does not fall under the specific categories of personal data as listed in art. 9 GDPR, regarding themselves (including when operating as an individual enterprise, small business owner or freelance professional) or their employees, agents, representatives or collaborators (the “Data”), will be treated in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR regulation. The treatment of said data is carried out on the basis of the legal conditions required by art. 6 GDPR, for purposes relating to the established relationship with the Joint Controllers, therefore, the legal basis for the treatment as required by art. 13 letter c GDPR finds its justification in the reasons for which said relationship was established, the reasons, that is, for accessing the site as a visitor or user or for sending a data gathering form filled out on this website or downloaded from this site and subsequently sent in view of benefitting from the service relating to said form.
The treatment of data provided to the Joint Controllers will include: the management, organisation, use, treatment in EU and extra-EU territories (countries, that is, which fall under those referred to in articles 45 and 46 GDPR), the conservation, the creation of anonymous statistics and communication to third parties licensed by the Joint Controllers as Data Processors in accordance with art. 28 GDPR including with regards to website maintenance and to other Bodies, Institutions and the Italian Trade Agency. We gather a limited amount of data from users visiting our website, data which we make use of to optimise your experience while using said website and to manage the services we provide. Such data includes information concerning how our website is used, access frequency and moments of peak popularity of the site itself (see our Cookies Policy). We would also remind you that while navigating through our website you will be given the opportunity to contact the Joint Controllers, including via non-digital means.
Processing also includes the deletion and modification of data gathered following notification on behalf of the data subject, along with their consultation, notifications of our upcoming initiatives, elaboration, soft spam and light marketing, the light sending of promotional material and promoting conferences and talks (unless the subject opposes such processing which may be declared by sending an e-mail to the address with “Opposizione” as the e-mail’s subject line). Please also be reminded that the sending of e-mails on behalf of visitors to the e-mail addresses provided on this website will, for the relevant purposes expressed on a case-by-case basis, cause the acquisition and subsequent processing of the sender’s e-mail address and any other personal data included in the message as described above. By sending an e-mail users will also be confirming their knowledge and acceptance of the relative Privacy Policy.
D). Our data processing policy with regards to becoming an Exhibitor
The Joint Controllers inform you that all personal data provided of your own initiative in order to become an Exhibitor at the Genoa International Boat Show trade fair will be processed in accordance with the principles and requirements of the GDPR regulations and of the current national legal framework. Processing is carried out on the basis of principles that apply to personal data processing according to art. 5 GDPR and of the conditions of legality as described in art. 6 GDPR with regards to purposes that pertain to the relationship established with the Joint Controllers; as a consequence, the legal foundation of such processing, as required by art. 13 letter c GDPR, is justified by the very reasons for which such a relationship is established with the Joint Controllers, that is, in this case, the request to become an Exhibitor at the Genoa International Boat Show trade fair or to take part in other initiatives of ours (art 6 comma 1 letter b). In view of such purposes, the processing of data provided to the Joint Controllers may include the organisation, conservation, consultation, elaboration, extrapolation, processing within EU and non-EU territories solely in the cases described in articles 45 and 46 GDPR, the confirmation of necessary requirements for exhibiting at the trade fair, the creation of anonymous statistics and deletion. Furthermore the processing will include the deletion and modification of said processed data following notification on behalf of the data relative subject and the data’s consultation. Should you give express consent at the bottom of the relative form, the Joint Controllers may send you commercial communications. The data subject reserves the right to revoke said consent at any time. By revoking their consent the data subject in no way affects the legality of the relating data processing carried out, based on the consent given prior to the moment in which it was revoked (art 7 GDPR). In order to exercise their right to revoke their consent, the data subject may either write to the DPO or follow the instructions provided at the bottom of the emails they receive. Providing data is optional; should the data provided be only partial or untrue, only the application to become an Exhibitor may not be accepted. It remains agreed that the data subject, by providing their data via the relevant form, is responsible for their accuracy and veracity. Furthermore, should said subject provide data relating to third parties (relating, for example, to brands they intend to exhibit), the subject will be responsible for the data’s accuracy and veracity and with regards to their ability to provide such data, guaranteeing that the data may legally be used by the Joint Controllers and indemnifying the latter from any form of claim that might arise whatsoever and from any request for compensation due with regards to damages that might be direct and/or indirect. The data will be preserved for the necessary amount of time for the purposes of their collection to be completed.
E) Our data processing policy with regards to becoming a Partner
The Joint Controllers inform you that all personal data provided of your own initiative in order to become a Partner of the Genoa International Boat Show trade fair will be processed in accordance with the principles and requirements of the GDPR regulations and of the current national legal framework. Processing is carried out on the basis of principles that apply to personal data processing according to art. 5 GDPR and of the conditions of legality as described in art. 6 GDPR with regards to purposes that pertain to the relationship established with the Joint Controllers; as a consequence, the legal foundation of such processing, as required by art. 13 letter c GDPR, is justified by the very reasons for which such a relationship is established with the Joint Controllers, that is, in this case, the request to become a commercial Partner of the Genoa International Boat Show trade fair or of other events or other initiatives of ours (art 6 comma 1 letter b). In view of such purposes, the processing of data provided to the Joint Controllers may include the organisation, conservation, consultation, elaboration, extrapolation, processing within EU and non-EU territories solely in the cases described in articles 45 and 46 GDPR, the confirmation of necessary requirements for exhibiting at the trade fair, the creation of anonymous statistics and deletion. Furthermore the processing will include the deletion and modification of said processed data following notification on behalf of the data relative subject and the data’s consultation. Should you give express consent at the bottom of the relative form, the Joint Controllers may send you commercial communications. The data subject reserves the right to revoke said consent at any time. By revoking their consent the data subject in no way affects the legality of the relating data processing carried out, based on the consent given prior to the moment in which it was revoked (art 7 GDPR). In order to exercise their right to revoke their consent, the data subject may either write to the DPO or follow the instructions provided at the bottom of the emails they receive. Providing data is optional; should the data provided be only partial or untrue, only the application to become a commercial Partner may not be accepted. It remains agreed that the data subject, by providing their data via the relevant form, is responsible for their accuracy and veracity. Furthermore, should said subject provide data relating to third parties (relating, for example, to brands they intend to exhibit), the subject will be responsible for the data’s accuracy and veracity and with regards to their ability to provide such data, guaranteeing that the data may legally be used by the Joint Controllers and indemnifying the latter from any form of claim that might arise whatsoever and from any request for compensation due with regards to damages that might be direct and/or indirect. The data will be preserved for the necessary amount of time for the purposes of their collection to be completed.
F) Our data processing policy with regards to satisfying your requests for information and general satisfaction of any requests made via the section dedicated to contacting us
In accordance with articles 12 and 13 of EU Regulation n. 2016/679 (referred to hereinafter for the sake of brevity as GDPR), the Joint Data Controllers will use the data you provide solely in order to satisfy requests made through the completion and sending of the relative form, following the use of the pertinent service provided on the website in question to contact the Joint Data Controllers and receive information as requested and in line with your interests. The Controller will also send you marketing communications relating to the nautical world and its initiatives only after your explicit consent expressed at the end of the online form. Providing data is optional, however, partial data or failure to provide such data may cause the relevant requests made to the Joint Data Controllers to be either partially or entirely unsatisfied, by sending requests to the Joint Data Controllers you also consent to the present policy. The legal basis of the relative data processing is the consent demonstrated and given by the data subject in the form of sending the communication with for which they wish to receive a reply (legal foundation: consent in accordance with art. 4 paragraph 11). The legal basis for receiving marketing communications is the consent freely expressed through the choice to be made on the online form, revocable at any time by sending a communication to the DPO. The data subject reserves the right to revoke said consent at any time. By revoking their consent the data subject in no way affects the legality of the relating data processing carried out, based on the consent given prior to the moment in which it was revoked (art 7 GDPR). The data will be stored in order to respond to your requests and, in case of your consent, to receive commercial communications only for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose of the collection.
F1) Information on the processing of personal data for data subjects who have given their data in the short way, through business cards (both paper and electronic) forms or forms
Personal data voluntarily and freely provided by you, data not falling under the special categories of personal data as listed under Art. 9 GDPR, concerning the data subject (also in the case of a subject operating as a sole proprietor, small businessman, professional) or its employees, agents, representatives or collaborators – in case being able to dispose of them, you have given us data referring to these subjects- (the “Data”), will be processed in accordance with the provisions set forth in the GDPR and the Privacy Code, according to the principles applicable to the processing of personal data as described in art. 5 GDPR (i.e. principles of fairness, relevance, transparency, adequacy, protection of confidentiality and rights etc.). The processing is carried out on the basis of the conditions of lawfulness provided for under art. 6 GDPR regarding the purposes inherent in the relationship established with the controller; consequently, its legal basis, as required by art. 13 lett. c GDPR, is justified in the reasons for which the relationship is established with the controller, i.e., in this case, your spontaneous conferment made to us of your data in order to stay in contact with Us (art. 4 paragraph 11 GDPR – consent by unequivocal positive action). With a view to this purpose, the processing on the conferred data will include, among others, the management, organization, use in the EU and non-EU territory (countries falling under the cases ex art 45 and 46 GDPR), storage, creation of databases, consultation, processing, modification, sending communications about our future initiatives, the realization of anonymous statistics, the use, destruction and modification of the processed data as a result of reporting by the data subject, communication to the members of the organizational structure, or to consultants of the same in the context of the management of the business/associative activity. Data processing may be carried out in both paper and electronic form only by individuals specifically authorized to process them. No processing is carried out on the basis of decision-making processes on automated bases, nor profiling. . The conferring of data was done by you spontaneously, giving us the same through vs initiative, therefore, the controller is understood, authorized to the treatments described above thanks to the release of consent made by you through the delivery of your business card or completed form or the request received by us through the short ways (unequivocal positive action). Please note that consent can be revoked at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the previously expressed consent (art 7 GDPR). The data will be kept to give effect to the purpose of the collection
G). Our policy in accordance with art. 14 GDPR
The present online space is also used by the Joint Controllers to provide data subjects with the Policy defined in accordance with art. 14 GDPR, in fact, in a number of cases, the Joint Controllers have collected data deriving from various public domain sources, as regulated in cons. 61 GDPR, such as newspapers, blogs, public lists, online searches, all data that is collected and processed in view of the same purpose for which said data was originally collected by the source and which does not fall under the specific categories of personal data as listed in art. 9 GDPR. Said data, including data provided by our commercial and institutional partners (personal details and email contacts), form a part of the Joint Controllers’ DB (the legal basis for the treatment as required by art. 13 letter c GDPR finds its legal foundation in the legitimate interests of the Joint Controllers in accordance with art. 6 paragraph f) used (in EU and extra-EU territories which fall under those referred to in articles 45 and 46 GDPR) to carry out soft spam, solely on behalf of the Joint Data Controllers, to keep you informed of our initiatives (i.e.: reminder to register for the Genoa Boat Show or connected events broadly relating to the boating world), which the recipient may take advantage of to better execute their own recreational/professional activities or unsubscribe from at any time by simply following the instructions provided in the footer of all communications or by sending an e-mail to with “Opposizione” (“Opposition”) as its subject line.
H) Our Newsletter Policy
The notification service – or Newsletter – regarding the Controllers’ activities is reserved for specific categories of registered users. In order to provide and manage this service, the Controllers use tools and services provided by the website . For further details on how Mailup processes personal data, please carefully consult the following link: Not providing your data will have no consequence for the user, except for the impossibility for the user to benefit from the requested services, should they not provide the necessary data, services they may later unsubscribe from by clicking the unsubscribe button found at the bottom of every communication. For further details please read the specific policy which can be found on the website in the dedicated section: Privacy-Salone-Newsletter.pdf (
I) Our personal data processing policy with regards to candidates
In accordance with the current privacy-related legal framework, any candidate who supplies their CV will receive the relevant personal data processing policy upon their first meaningful contact following the receipt of the CV sent of the candidate’s own initiative. During the recruitment process the employer may examine the “social profiles” of candidates, if the destination of said candidate’s profiles are not private. The collection and subsequent processing of data derived from said profiles will be carried out only where such collection is necessary and pertinent to the execution of the process for which the application was sent in the first place, therefore the data gathered during the recruitment process will be deleted as soon as it becomes clear that no position will be offered to the candidate or, alternatively, that the proposed offer will not be accepted by the candidate. Throughout the internship period, should such a relationship be agreed, the Joint Controllers reserve the ability to monitor the “social profiles” of the data subjects on a non-generalised basis.
J) Our policy with regards to the use of images created by means of photography and/or filming activities carried out during our events
During our events of a public nature (trade fairs, shows, collectives, conventions, assemblies) videos will be filmed and/or photographs will be taken within the location of reference for each single occasion in order to document the events and promote them. The relevant images and footage will be used for the creation of murals, wall posters, they will be used for the creation of promotional stands for events both in Italy and abroad, for catalogues, brochures and/or said images and footage may be shared on this website, on the Group’s website and on our social media platforms. These will not in any way be damaging to the honour and decorum of the data subject and will be used solely to promote the Joint Controllers and their activities. The Joint Controllers will not pay any form of compensation for the above. Any image of yourself that might derive from photographs and/or videos created during events/shows that are open to the public, require no form of explicit consent on behalf of the portrayed subject. On this point, however, the Joint Controllers commit to following all provisions issued by the relevant Authorities with regards to the acquisition of images/videos created during public events. It remains agreed that, should an individual wish for their image to be removed or deleted, they may contact us at the following e-mail address: and, following a specific evaluation of the case at hand, we will proceed to act accordingly. If, on the other hand, video footage or photographs are taken during a private event and/or include close-ups of subjects who are under the age of consent or differently abled, the Joint Controllers will be the ones to provide the relevant policies and gather the necessary consent of the data subjects concerned.
K) Common elements present in all our policies:
Data treatment will be carried out in paper form and/or electronic form by subjects who are specifically authorised to carry out said treatment. Providing data is optional, except for the data gathered automatically by the system, and it is agreed that by continuing to use the site and by not deactivating cookies (see our Cookies Policy) the Joint Controllers will be authorised to process said data in order to satisfy the requests on behalf of the data subjects. The data will be communicated to those authorised along with Data Processors operating on behalf of the Joint Data Controllers in order to carry out maintenance and to manage the website and any other necessary legal, technical and administrative matters. The data, not counting the images/photographs/videos as described and regulated above, will not be distributed. The Joint Data Controllers will not carry out any form of data processing based on automated decision-making systems. The data will be stored for 5 years and for the time necessary to achieve the purpose for which it is collected (except for Cookies for which the preservation timeframes are specified in the relative Cookies Policy)
If the Joint Data Controllers suffer from a data breach as defined in articles 33 and 34 GDPR which would create a risk for the rights and freedom of physical subjects, the Controllers will act accordingly to notify the relevant Authorities and communicate the event to the data subjects involved.
The Joint Data Controllers would like to inform you that you have the right to rectify (art. 16 GDPR), erase (art. 17 GDPR), limit the processing of (art 18 GDPR) and access all personal data provided and all subsequent information as listed in art. 15 GDPR.
You also have the right to:
6) see your rights under art. 21 GDPR recognised, including the right to oppose at any time, for reasons connected to your own specific situation, the treatment of your data for the Controller’s legitimate pursuit of their own interest.
You may exercise your above-listed rights or request further information by sending an email to the following address: specifying in the subject line: “esercizio dei diritti ex GDPR” (“exercising GDPR rights”) and inserting within the text area the right you wish to exercise. The Controllers, once the request has been processed, will reply in line with the requirements indicated in art. 12 GDPR.
Should you wish to exercise your right of to oppose marketing communications, we would remind you that in order to do so you must insert the word “Opposizione” (”Opposition”) as the subject.
We reserve the right to refuse such a request solely for the following reasons:
In satisfying a valid request for deletion, we will adopt every reasonable measure necessary for deleting the data in question.
The Controller would also like to inform you that, should they wish to treat your personal data for purposes that differ from those for which the data was gathered, before such treatment can take place, they will provide the concerned individual with information regarding said different purpose and any further information that is pertinent, in order to obtain their consent, should they accept; we would also like to inform you that the Controllers use specific, valid policies for acquiring data in specific contexts which you may consult for each individual instance (such as joining the association, registering for a trade show, etc.).
L) Navigation data, Plug-ins, Social Media
The IT systems and software procedures required for this site to function acquire, during their usual functions, personal data the transmission of which is implicit when using internet communication protocols. This data is used solely to obtain anonymous statistic information on the site’s use and to ensure its correct functioning. The data is subsequently deleted immediately after its processing. The data could be used to determine responsibility in the case of hypothetical IT-related crimes perpetrated against the site.
The website also uses social plug-ins (for example, in relation to social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter), for which the Joint Controllers are in no way responsible; therefore please read the relative privacy policies of the respective owners of said plug-ins.
As for the processing of personal data that is carried out by the social media platforms used by the Controller, please consider the information provided by those platforms through their privacy policies. The personal data made available by users through the social media pages the Controller processed in order to handle user interactions (comments, public posts, etc) in full compliance with the applicable legislation
M) Cookies In relation to Cookies on the site we invite you to read the Cookies Policy in the footer of the institutional page.
N) Website Terms of Use
All documents, texts, images, brands and anything else published and reproduced on this site is the property of I Saloni Nautici S.r.l. and C.N. and/or its use is permitted by third parties. These rights also extend to software and source code. All contents of the site are protected by law with regards to copyright protection and intellectual property. The full or partial reproduction of these contents, even partial, is strictly forbidden.
I Saloni Nautici and C.N. reserve all rights with regards to this website, including that to modify or delete the contents and limit access at any time.
Any violation of the terms of use carried out by a user will cause the cancellation of their access to the website. The above rights may be exercised at any moment in time.
I Saloni Nautici S.r.l. and C.N. take no responsibility in relation to the content of what is published on this site nor to third-party use, nor are they responsible for any contamination that may originate from accessing or interconnecting with the site or downloading material and programmes from this site.
Therefore, they may not be held responsible, in any way, for damage, loss or prejudice of any kind that third parties may suffer due to coming into contact with this site or following the use or trusting of the information published therein, along with any repercussions from the use of the adopted software.
The above waiver also extends to the compatibility or lack thereof with regards to the present website and the user’s hardware and software.
I Saloni Nautici and C.N. expressly waive any form of responsibility for damages incurred that derive from using this website, including the loss of data or virus infection, including any form of attack or any illegal actions carried out by third parties through this website. In this regard, the User must adopt all the necessary means of protection as required before continuing to use this website or before downloading information or images.
The User may never in any way use this website to carry out cyberattacks or any illegal actions towards I Saloni Nautici, C.N. or third parties.
The material and information on the site are subject to change or updates without warning.
Although I Saloni Nautici S.r.l. and C.N. strive to proceed with maximum care when inserting information onto the site, they do not take any responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of the provided information, the use of which is at the exclusive risk of the user. By providing the user with such information, I Saloni Nautici S.r.l. and C.N. do not issue any kind of copyright license, patent or any other form of intellectual property.
The presence of any links to third-party websites does not in any way imply Saloni Nautici and C.N. are in any way responsible with regards to said websites. The User is solely responsible for verifying the conditions and terms of use with regards to such websites when they access them.
Users of this website may not carry out operations such as inserting links, creating frames, inserting text, images or videos or carry out any change of any kind.
The User is in no manner authorised, directly or indirectly, to insert links to pages contained in this website on their own website or that of a third party. The same limitation applies to links in the form of hypertext and any other variety such as deep-linking, pharming and any other form, without written consent provided by I Saloni Nautici and C.N., the issuing of which is entirely dependent on their own discretion.
The User, by accessing the website and navigating through the relative web pages, declares they accept the application of Italian Law with regards to their actions.
The original language of the present document is Italian. Should any conflict arise between the original Italian language version of this Agreement and any translation hereof, the Italian language version shall prevail.
The present Terms of Use are disciplined under Italian Law. Any controversy that might arise with regards to following said Terms or in any way connected to them will be subject exclusively to Italian jurisdiction and resolved by the Court of Genoa.
Updates to the present document:
We aim to update the website constantly and adapt it to meet any amendments to legal requirements. We may therefore modify this document and/or our privacy policy. For updates please consult this page, on which we will state any future changes. If you have any questions or doubts concerning the following rules relating to your privacy please contact the Joint Data Controllers by writing to:
The Joint Data Controllers will commit to providing an answer to users who send formal written complaints to this address in order to understand the issue raised and confer with the competent authorities in order to settle issues concerning the transfer of personal data that cannot be settled between the Joint Data Controllers and those concerned.