Ehyfa srl

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INNOVATIVE PMI that thanks to the continuous Research process is developing several innovative solutions for future application in the nautical industry sector. The main and distinctive component of EHYFA is the deep knowledge of the sector that allows to adapt the product to the evolution of needs. The mission of Group Y perfectly respects the vision of EHYFA through the development of SUSTAINABLE NAUTICAL TOURISM and with it the diffusion of the Culture of the Sea. The EcoHYbrid Floating Apartment (EHYFA) represents today a huge challenge aimed at developing the NAUTICAL TOURISM of the FUTURE as a form of innovative, eco-sustainable and experiential tourism as an alternative to traditional Tourism linked to the concreting of the coasts. Group Y and its partners are ready for the challenge that will have to revolutionize the nautical market starting from a complete redefinition of the product having as its main focus the protection of the environment for future generations.
Headquarters and contacts

Via Georgia 41
07026 Olbia SS

Startup TA05 tech trade - padiglione b superiore - accessori