Tech Trade

Technology, innovation, sustainability and business development can be found on the Upper Floor of the Blue Pavilion, Upper Floor. Here visitors can take in cutting-edge components, equipment, electronic navigation tools, generators, fuels and lubricating oils for engines, machinery for marinas, and much more.

The TECH TRADE area unites the world of equipment and components under one roof, while promoting activities and B2B events and championing yet another sector in which
the Made-in-Italy brand is renowned worldwide. The events programme includes scheduled meetings with international buyers to stimulate business matching opportunities.

TechTrade – ENG

Please note that the Organizer reserves the right to assess the validity of the request to participate in the Tech Trade Area and then credit, at its discretion, the applicant.
declare that I have read and understood the information prepared pursuant to Regulation EU 2016/679 and the Italian legislation applicable on the point (information present here: privacy policy, letter F). Furthermore, by marking my choice, I declare whether or not I consent to receive marketing communications made with both traditional and modern postal systems (e.g.: web marketing, telemarketing, e-mail marketing, etc.)
Preso visione dell'informativa redatta ai sensi del Reg Ue 2016/679 e la normativa italiana applicabile sul punto ed avendola compresa nei suoi contenuti Acconsento al trattamento per finalità di marketing effettuato sia con sistemi tradizionali, anche cartacei, che moderni (web marketing, telemarketing, e-mail, sms, mms, DEM, etc…) svolto dal Titolare o dai suoi Responsabili Informativa sul trattamento dei dati personali contenuta nella privacy policy qui , lettera F.(Required)