Industry news

IMAT expands its offer of yachting and professional courses

24 July 2024

The maritime training centre IMAT – ITALIAN MARITIME ACADEMY TECHNOLOGY, member of the Italian Marine Industry Association Confindustria Nautica and born in 2006 from an idea of Captain Rosario Trapanese, is expanding its range of courses by adding Nautical School courses to those already in available.

Courses for obtaining nautical licences within 12 miles and without limits will kick off on 19th August and are run by the recreational division of the Castel Volturno Training Centre, headed by Captain Antonino D’Alessio.

The courses envisage 20 hours of theory and 5 hours of practice, carried out on a recreational boat on a lake surface, and will issue nautical licences for travelling within 12 miles from the coast, and a course of 40 hours of theory and 5 hours of practice for a license without distance restrictions, which can be obtained by “12-mile licence holders” with an additional 20-hour course in charting theory.

Alongside the new recreational yachting licence courses, IMAT continues its professional training activities. As of 2nd September, the preparation course for 2nd class recreational boat officers will begin allowing those taking part the chance to enter the professional world with the new figure of “skipper”, as envisaged by Decree no. 227 of 13th December regarding the establishment and regulation of professional titles in recreational yachting.