Industry news

Assomarinas and Natpower H support the energy transition in Italian marinas

22 February 2024

A three-year partnership to accelerate the journey towards energy transition in Italian marinas. This is the agreement signed between Assomarinas and Natpower H, an Italian company (part of the NatPower group) and the first global developer of an infrastructure for the production, storage and refuelling of green hydrogen.

Assomarinas and NatPowerH will collaborate on the deployment in port areas of a network of hydrogen refuelling stations for the propulsion of recreational units, as well as the promotion of technological research in the field of energy transition throughout the boating sector.

The project envisages an investment of 100 million euros with the aim of reaching at least 100 refuelling stations in the next six years. The first planned installation is in Venice and will be operational by summer 2024.

Assomarinas,” commented Roberto Perocchio, president of Assomarinas and president of the Nautical Tourism, Marinas and Dedicated Services segment of the Italian Marine Industry Association, “believes that marinas too must be prepared for the energy transition that – as indicated in studies carried out by ICOMIA, the global federation of marine industry associations – will entail the use of multiple forms of non-fossil energy in the future.”

The Associazione Italiana Porti Turistici (Italian Marinas Association – Assomarinas) has always stood out for its support of research in the field of energy transition for recreational boats,” stated Andrea Minerdo, CEO of NatPower H. “For this reason, we are confident that our partnership will enable a significant acceleration in the decarbonisation of Italian marinas. In fact, we believe that hydrogen represents one of the most effective solutions to boost the transition towards complete sustainability for the entire recreational boating and yachting sector.”